
How can we help you?

For practical purposes, we have divided our work into the following subjects, however, it is important to clarify that these subjects are not mutually exclusive if the contrary, they are related to each other. Remember nature is a system with multiple components interacting with each other in any series of events, we aim to attain the maximum benefit from the smallest input of energy and resources to promote overall system health and cost effectiveness. This is where ecology meets economics.

Erosion Control

Erosion features can effectively act as a drain in the landscape causing water to leave without giving any benefit to the landowners. At HDE we turn this liability into an asset by taking site-specific management actions to implement damage control features that infiltrate and redirect the water resource to benefit the OPTIMAL area of land. We also assist landowners with drainage and flood mitigation if too much water is indeed the problem.


Forest management is critical for the benefit of humans and wildlife alike. We provide consultation and treatments to forests with a focus on the following goals: 

  • Timber enhancement
  • Livestock enhancement
  • Wildlife enhancement
  • Wildfire risk reduction, and creation of defensible space.

Our clients can contribute to forest health and protect their assets at the same time!

Rangeland & Livestock management

Rangelands occupy roughly 50% of the earth’s land surface, they are home to countless species of birds and other wildlife, and are an important source of income for ranching families in New Mexico. At present, the condition of rangelands worldwide shows a steep decline in productivity which negatively impacts both people and wildlife.

At HDE we work to assess and restore rangelands, using a wide range of techniques from mechanical to biological. We develop client-centered solutions for long-term improvements and stewardship of the rangeland resource.


Water Harvesting

Water harvesting is the process of deliberately manipulating water on the landscape to gain the maximum benefit from the available resource and achieve your management goals whether they are watering livestock and plants, creating water features. Some techniques we employ are water collection from infrastructure roofs, improvement of road design and drainage to spread water across the landscape, acequia trenching and excavation, rejuvenation of spring lines, snow fence installation, keyline design and more.

Our process

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Who are our services for?

  • Landowners who want to promote wildlife and overall ecosystem health.
  • Land managers who would like to sustainably increase the natural capital available on their land for ranching and agricultural profits.
  • Landowners who are unsure about how and where new development fits into their rural landscape without causing long-term unforeseen and potentially costly consequences. 
  • Asset holders who want to protect their investment properties from natural hazards like fire, flashfloods, and extreme weather conditions.
  • Engaged citizens and land stewards of all kinds interested in permaculture earthworks, keyline design, and regenerative land management.


Have a Project on mind?

We can help you bring your ideas to life. Let’s talk about what we can build and raise together.

We provide integrated, easy-to-understand land management assessments and solutions from an ecological perspective, designed to achieve your goals.